Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"Called to Serve"

The hymn "Called to Serve" when sung, particularly by missionaries, brings with it powerful emotions and the Spirit like few other hymns.  Last night at the General Authority Tuesday Night Devotional was the first time this week all 2,200+ missionaries at the Provo MTC met together. As is tradition, the meeting was opened with the hymn. It was more powerful and moving than ever. It's one thing to hear it sung, but another to be included among the missionaries singing it at the MTC. The experience will never be forgotten. 

Above is a picture of us sitting in the MTC courtyard during our lunch break from classes and role-playing.


  1. Super proud of you guys. It is really fun to hear that hymn from/as missionaries.

  2. Hi Elder and Sister Champlin So awesome to see your experiences and it is a strength to is to see your great example. Our prayers, thoughts and hopes for good things daily, go out to you as your work. Our own testimonies are strengthened as we see what you are doing, but man will we miss your salsa this year! The Lords blessings to you both and we love you and send our very best. Frank and Nancy
